The Australian telco’s outage, which has already led to a leadership shakeup, offers IT leaders important lessons in resiliency and disaster recovery, as well as a prompt to reassess plans, spark conversations, and make investments to mitigate risk...
Devoted to helping smaller outfits find their digital mojo, CIO Fabienne Wintle shares the importance of understanding the entire business whether you work for a small business or a large enterprise.
Local CIOs delivering digital transformation success are learning how to navigate the changing role of technology, digital as the driver of growth, and new security challenges.
Safety is the first and last priority for the airline, which has embarked on a data transformation to ensure safety data can be pushed everywhere itu2019s needed, in whatever form best suits its staff.
La su00e9curitu00e9 est la prioritu00e9 absolue de la compagnie au00e9rienne; elle su2019est donc lancu00e9e dans une vaste transformation informatique pour que ses donnu00e9es de su00e9curitu00e9 soient diffusu00e9es partout ou00f9 elles sont nu00e9