Eric P. Bloom is Executive Director of the IT Management and Leadership Institute, an organization specializing in IT leadership development and interpersonal communication skills. Eric is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author, former nationally syndicated columnist, Certified Professional Speaker (CSP), TEDx Talk speaker, trainer, contributor, past President of National Speakers Association (NSA) New England, and an IDC Research Advisor. His books include the Amazon #1 bestseller “Productivity Driven Success: Hidden Secrets of Organizational Efficiency”, “Office Influence: Get What You Want from The Mailroom to the Boardroom” and "The CIO’s Guide to Staff Needs, Growth, and Productivity." Contact him at, follow him on Twitter at @EricPBloom, or visit
Having difficulty finding the right people to hire with the right skills, at the right salary, at the right time? You may be looking in the wrong place.
Building a culture of innovation doesn't happen by chance. It requires planning, commitment, and leadership effort. Here are seven tips on how to enhance your group's innovative spirit and its ability to gain an IT advantage.