IT execs are capitalizing on return journeys to former employers, bringing newfound leadership insights to familiar business issues. Returning IT leaders discuss why they did it and what they’ve gained.
With every company becoming a software company, enterprise IT leaders can improve digital outcomes by heeding the advice of those who have been there and done that — their vendor counterparts.
Ensuring operational excellence versus accelerating business growth has long been a conundrum (and trade-off) for IT. Greater prominence and honed IT strategies have today’s IT leaders better positioned to finally strike the right balance.
Digital acuity has become a strategic business imperative, especially at incumbents with little IT legacy. Here, CIOs share how they are developing digital and data fluency across their organizations to drive better buy-in, more IT funding, and new b
Le microtrasformazioni strategiche consentono ai leader IT di far evolvere digitalmente le loro imprese senza interrompere la continuità aziendale, attraverso la creazione di cicli continui di miglioramento che offrono benefici su larga scala
Strategic micro transformations enable IT leaders to digitally evolve their organizations without disrupting business continuity, creating continuous cycles of improvement that deliver large-scale benefits with lower overhead and risk.
La mancanza di una visione, del sostegno da parte della leadership, e la difficoltà di impostare un impegno a lungo termine sono solo alcune delle ragioni per le quali i percorsi di trasformazione digitale prendono strade sbagliate o si esauri