To move beyond SLAs to strategic partnerships, IT leaders must develop vendor management practices focused on alignment, collaboration, and maximum value.
Chief technology officers must be expert in translating technologies into strategic business assets and in establishing the workplace culture necessary to do so.
For most organizations, data in the form of text, video, audio, and other formats is plentiful but remains untapped. Here’s how to unlock business value from this overlooked data trove.
The ability to share data across the enterprise is a vital first step on any transformation journey. Here’s how IT leaders are unifying data strategies by knocking down data (and political) walls.
To harness the promise of generative AI, IT leaders must develop processes for identifying use cases, educate employees, and get the tech (safely) into their hands.
More than just a means of shifting burden from IT, citizen developers can weave domain expertise into valuable solutions — but only if you get your cit-dev strategy right.